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Activity Reports

Sentinel North invites you to discover its Activity Reports, shedding light on the many achievements of its community of professors, researchers, students, research professionals, partners and collaborators.


2022-2023 rapport d'activités sentinelle nord 2022 2023

Through selected impact realizations and highlights, the 2022-2023 Activity Report demonstrates the momentum created by our teams and partners in taking research to the next level. Looking to the future, this report aligns with the mission of our university, and reflects our committment to catalyze collaboration and innovation towards real and lasting social impact in the North.


Read the 22-23 report


2021-2022 sentinel north activity report 2021-2022

With its completely revamped look and web experience, the 2021-2022 Activity Report takes you at the heart of the stories marking a banner year for convergent research. Discover the realizations of a novel research and training strategy that is making an impact at Université Laval and beyond.


Read the 21-22 report


2020-2021 sentinel north 2020-2021 activity report

New interdisciplinary teams and chairs, numerous publications and a rich program of training activities are some of the accomplishments presented in this report, demonstrating the agility of our teams in an unprecedented context.


Read the 20-21 report


2019-2020 sentinel north 2019-2020 activity report

While illustrating the highlights and results emerging from our interdisciplinary research program, this activity report reflects the tremendous momentum that Sentinel North has gained since the launch of our research and training activities in 2017.


Read the 19-20 report


2018-2019 sentinel north activity report 2018-2019

On the brink of the program's Phase II, Sentinel North highlights the results and accomplishments of its community, which have contributed to a new research dynamic at Université Laval.


Read the 18-19 report


2017-2018 sentinel north activity report 2017-2018

Since its implementation, Sentinel North has seen a vast network of actors mobilize to develop innovative research projects and deploy numerous initiatives to support research, training, valorisation and foster partnerships.


Read the 17-18 report


