Propulser l'interdisciplinarité en recherche | October 9, 2024 | Anyone involved in interdisciplinary research, from research management or production to graduate training | Free |
Master Class: Meet with Samuel Laney | December 7, 2023 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Initiation au design graphique scientifique | October 20, 2023 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Communication scientifique orale : présenter sa recherche à une conférence scientifique interdisciplinaire | November 4, 2023 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Ateliers de communication scientifique | April 13 and 14, 2023 | Students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals, of all disciplines | Free |
Gestion des données dans R : les bases | March 2nd, 2023 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Atelier d'initiation au design graphique pour scientifiques | October 7, 2022 | students, postdocotral fellows, research professionals and professors | Free, license required |
Financer la recherche : Relever le défi d'une première demande de subvention | June 3, 2022 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Scientific writing workshop | April 7 and May 19, 2022 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Communications productives en équipes interdisciplinaires | March 31, 2022 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines | Free |
Design ta science! | Jan. - Apr. 2022 | Sentinel North grad students and postdoctoral fellows of all disciplines | Free |
La communication interdisciplinaire | Nov. 25, 2021 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines | Free |
L'affiche scientifique : maximiser l'impact de sa présentation | Sep. 21, 2021 | Students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines | Free |
Introduction to Northern Research and Issues | Oct. 8-11, 2021 | Grad students, postdoctoral fellows and early career researchers from different disciplines undertaking a research project in the North | 125$ |
La gestion de projet dans un contexte de recherche et d'innovation | Oct. 14-15, 2021 | Grad students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines registered or employed at Université Laval | Variable |
Laboratoires nordiques interdisciplinaires | May '21 - Apr. '22 | Students and postdoctoral fellows from all disciplines | Free |
Financer la recherche : Relever le défi d’une première demande de subvention | May 28, 2021 | Students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines | Free |
Indigenous Engagement Workshop | Mar. 19 - Apr. 9, 2021 | Grad students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines | $50 (UL) $100 (non-UL) |
Complex Networks Winter Workshop | Jan. 3-16, 2021 | International graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from different disciplines | Free |
Communication orale en recherche : 180 secondes pour marquer les esprits | Nov. 20, 2020 | Sentinel North's (Université Laval) students and postdoctoral fellows. Open to all disciplines. | Free |
Activity on interdisciplinary collaboration | Nov. 26, 2020 | Sentinel North's (Université Laval) students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers. Open to all disciplines. | Free |
Science communication workshop | Dec. 3, 2020 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and researchers. Open to all disciplines. | Free |
Institut nordique du Québec Webinars - International collaboration in northern research - The ecosystem of northern research | Sep. 9 and Oct. 21, 2020 | For everyone | Free |
Promote your research through the media | Sep. 24, 2020 | Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and researchers. Open to all disciplines. | Free |
Science ouverte et pandémie : ce que la situation actuelle nous révèle | May 21, 2020 | For all | Free |
Médias sociaux et recherche : bien se préparer avant de se lancer | May 28, 2020 | Students, postdocs, research professionals | Free |
Faites parler vos données : initiation à la visualisation des données en recherche | Jun. 4, 2020 | Students, postdocs, research professionals | Free |
Concevoir sa stratégie de financement en recherche : par où commencer? | Jun. 11, 2020 | Students, postdocs, research professionals | Free |
Ateliers de rédaction scientifique | Feb. 18 to Mar. 17, 2020 | For everyone | Free |
Bootcamp en acquisition et traitement de données : du capteur à l'information | Feb. 21 - 23, 2020 | Basic programming skills required | $50 - $80 |
Seminars on open science | Oct. 9, 23 Nov. 7 | For everyone | Free |
Research collaboration and intellectual property | Nov. 1st, 2019 | Anyone who needs to interact with external collaborators from academic or private sectors. The training will be in French. | Free (lunch included) |
Oral communication : delivering impactful presentations | Oct. 25, 2019 | Grad students, postdoc fellows, professionals and professors from Université Laval. The training will be in French. | Free |
Seminars : Open Science in a Connected World | May 29, 2019 | For all | Free |
Formation sur la collaboration en recherche et la propriété intellectuelle | May 3, 2019 | Anyone who needs to interact with external collaborators from academic or private sectors. The training will be in French. | Free (lunch included) |
North American Summer School on Photonic Materials | Jun. 16 - 21, 2019 | Grad students in chemistry, material science, physics | $300 |
Ateliers de rédaction scientifique | Feb. 6 to Mar. 13, 2019 | For all | Free |
Seminars : Open Science in a Connected World | Feb. 13 and 26, Mar. 13, 2019 | For all | Free |
Bootcamp : From development to deployment of an optical tool in northern environment | Feb. 26 - 28, 2019 | PhD and postdoc in engineering and optics-photonics | $50-150 |
Atelier: Le transfert des connaissances à travers l’art | Dec. 6, 2018 | Students in anthropology CIERA, AESN | Free |
Innover en R&D en s'inspirant du génie fonctionnel de la nature | Nov. 29, 2018 | Engineering, animal science, biology, chemistry, physics, architecture (in French) | Free |
Le partenariat: identifier et minimiser les risques pour maximiser les bénéfices | Nov. 22-23, 2018 | Anybody who must interact with stakeholders from the academic / private sectors (in French) | Free |
Développer sa carrière en science avec Alaina G. Levine | Nov. 13-14, 2018 | Grad. students, postdoc fellows and professionals from any discipline at Université Laval (in English) | Free |
Séminaire: Impact des changements climatiques sur la cryosphère et l'hydrologie des régions froides | Nov. 9, 2018 | Hydrology, cryosphere, ecology (in French) | Free |
La communication scientifique par affiche | Oct. 26 2018 | Students and researchers from any field | Free |