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Training workshops


archiveIn collaboration with its partners, Sentinel North deploys a rich program of transdisciplinary training activities designed to address the themes of its research program and aimed at developing forward-thinking skills.


Discover below all the training activities, workshops, bootcamps and conferences offered. These activities are in addition to scholarships and research grants, mobility grants and experiential training activities.


Upcoming activities



TitleDateWho is it forCost

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Masterclasses

Year 2025

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and professors of all disciplines





Sentinel North Worskhops available online


Other resources

Preparing a scientific communication

Research popularization and dissemination

La plateforme numérique RaccourSci offre des ressources en français sur le thème de la vulgarisation scientifique. Voici une sélection de quelques capsules et contenus suggérés : 


Suggested resources on written communication:




TitleDateAudience / themesCost

Propulser l'interdisciplinarité en recherche

October 9, 2024

Anyone involved in interdisciplinary research, from research management or production to graduate training


Master Class: Meet with Samuel Laney

December 7, 2023

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and professors of all disciplines


Initiation au design graphique scientifique

October 20, 2023

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and professors of all disciplines


Communication scientifique orale : présenter sa recherche à une conférence scientifique interdisciplinaire

November 4, 2023

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals and professors of all disciplines


Ateliers de communication scientifique

April 13 and 14, 2023

Students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals, of all disciplines


Gestion des données dans R : les bases

March 2nd, 2023

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines


Atelier d'initiation au design graphique pour scientifiques

October 7, 2022

students, postdocotral fellows, research professionals and professors

Free, license required

Financer la recherche : Relever le défi d'une première demande de subvention

June 3, 2022

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines


Scientific writing workshop

April 7 and May 19, 2022

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines


Communications productives en équipes interdisciplinaires

March 31, 2022

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines


Design ta science!

Jan. - Apr. 2022

Sentinel North grad students and postdoctoral fellows of all disciplines 


La communication interdisciplinaire

Nov. 25, 2021

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, teachers and professors of all disciplines


L'affiche scientifique : maximiser l'impact de sa présentation

Sep. 21, 2021

Students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines


Introduction to Northern Research and Issues

Oct. 8-11, 2021

Grad students, postdoctoral fellows and early career researchers from different disciplines undertaking a research project in the North


La gestion de projet dans un contexte de recherche et d'innovation

Oct. 14-15, 2021

Grad students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines registered or employed at Université Laval


Laboratoires nordiques interdisciplinaires

May '21 - Apr. '22

Students and postdoctoral fellows from all disciplines


Financer la recherche : Relever le défi d’une première demande de subvention

May 28, 2021

Students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines


Indigenous Engagement Workshop

Mar. 19 - Apr. 9, 2021

Grad students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from all disciplines

$50 (UL)
$100 (non-UL)

Complex Networks Winter Workshop

Jan. 3-16, 2021

International graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals from different disciplines


Communication orale en recherche : 180 secondes pour marquer les esprits

Nov. 20, 2020

Sentinel North's (Université Laval) students and postdoctoral fellows. Open to all disciplines.


Activity on interdisciplinary collaboration

Nov. 26, 2020

Sentinel North's (Université Laval) students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers. Open to all disciplines.


Science communication workshop

Dec. 3, 2020

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and researchers. Open to all disciplines.


Institut nordique du Québec Webinars

- International collaboration in northern research
- The ecosystem of northern research

Sep. 9 and Oct. 21, 2020

For everyone


Promote your research through the media

Sep. 24, 2020

Students, postdoctoral fellows, professionals, and researchers. Open to all disciplines.


Science ouverte et pandémie : ce que la situation actuelle nous révèle

May 21, 2020

For all


Médias sociaux et recherche : bien se préparer avant de se lancer

May 28, 2020

Students, postdocs, research professionals


Faites parler vos données : initiation à la visualisation des données en recherche

Jun. 4, 2020

Students, postdocs, research professionals


Concevoir sa stratégie de financement en recherche : par où commencer?

Jun. 11, 2020

Students, postdocs, research professionals


Ateliers de rédaction scientifique

Feb. 18 to Mar. 17, 2020

For everyone


Bootcamp en acquisition et traitement de données : du capteur à l'information

Feb. 21 - 23, 2020

Basic programming skills required

$50 - $80

Seminars on open science

Oct. 9, 23
Nov. 7

For everyone


Research collaboration and intellectual property

Nov. 1st, 2019

Anyone who needs to interact with external collaborators from academic or private sectors. The training will be in French.

Free (lunch included)

Oral communication : delivering impactful presentations

Oct. 25, 2019

Grad students, postdoc fellows, professionals and professors from Université Laval. The training will be in French.


Seminars : Open Science in a Connected World

May 29, 2019

For all


Formation sur la collaboration en recherche et la propriété intellectuelle

May 3, 2019

Anyone who needs to interact with external collaborators from academic or private sectors. The training will be in French.

Free (lunch included)

North American Summer School on Photonic Materials

Jun. 16 - 21, 2019

Grad students in chemistry, material science, physics


Ateliers de rédaction scientifique

Feb. 6 to Mar. 13, 2019

For all


Seminars : Open Science in a Connected World

Feb. 13 and 26, Mar. 13, 2019

For all


Bootcamp : From development to deployment of an optical tool in northern environment

Feb. 26 - 28, 2019

PhD and postdoc in engineering and optics-photonics


Atelier: Le transfert des connaissances
à travers l’art

Dec. 6, 2018

Students in anthropology CIERA, AESN


Innover en R&D en s'inspirant du génie fonctionnel de la nature

Nov. 29, 2018

Engineering, animal science, biology, chemistry, physics, architecture (in French)


Le partenariat: identifier et minimiser les risques pour maximiser les bénéfices

Nov. 22-23, 2018

Anybody who must interact with stakeholders from the academic / private sectors (in French)


Développer sa carrière en science avec Alaina G. Levine

Nov. 13-14, 2018

Grad. students, postdoc fellows and professionals from any discipline at Université Laval (in English)


Séminaire: Impact des changements climatiques sur la cryosphère et l'hydrologie des régions froides

Nov. 9, 2018

Hydrology, cryosphere, ecology (in French)


La communication scientifique par affiche

Oct. 26 2018

Students and researchers from any field


Are you a partner or a center affiliated with Sentinel North, and would like to post your training activities on this page? It's possible!