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Sentinel North Research Projects

Submitted by jerome on

With more than 60 research projects completed or underway, Sentinel North has achieved its goal of mobilizing a dynamic research community and generating dozens of new and innovative interdisciplinary collaborations between world-class researchers and recognized research centers from our institution and beyond.

Joint Call for Projects INQ-Sentinel North

Submitted by jerome on

The Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) and the Sentinel North (SN) research strategy of Université Laval have joined forces to launch a second call for research projects from INQ members to enrich Quebec with knowledge about the North and the Arctic, in line with the INQ's scientific programming, with a view to sustainable development in northern Quebec and the well-being of the communities that inhabit this vast territory.

Qaujikkaut : an on-line advanced foresight tool of extreme meteorological events and natural hazards in Nunavik

Submitted by jerome on

Note : the full title of this project as submitted is "Qaujikkaut : an on-line advanced foresight tool of extreme meteorological events and natural hazards in Nunavik using real-time access to the SILA network of climate and environmental observatories"


Principal investigators

Richard Fortier, Thierry Badard

New participatory research project on food security and nutrition in Nunavut

Submitted by jerome on

A new participatory research project on food security and nutrition has just been launched within Sentinel North. This project, entitled “Participatory Action for Inuit-led Research on Food Production and Nutrition in Inuit Nunangat”, will be implemented in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. View the detailed project page here.

Many Sentinel North training opportunities available this fall

Submitted by jerome on

This fall, Sentinel North invites its Université Laval community to take part in a series of workshops and training activities aimed at addressing the complex themes of its research program, while promoting the development of transversal skills.These activities are open to all (students, professors, researchers, professionals).

Unless specified otherwise, all trainings and workshops below will be in French.


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